Product Details
+Edgar Elliston has a rare quality: the ability to set biblical truths in a context that is informed academically and relevant practically. Whether you are in Kerala, Kansas, or Kenya, Elliston gives you a biblical base to evaluate secular leadership models, and condenses for you the essence of the process God is using globally to raise up local church leadership. There is nothing else like it.Thom Wolfsenior pastor, The Church on Brady, Los Angeles, California assistant professor of urban education, Grand Canyon University, Los Angeles campus [/ENDORSEMENT1] [ENDORSEMENT2]
This is no ordinary book about leadership development. It is intensely realistic, culturally sensitive, biblically insightful, practically useful, and spiritually focused. Dr. Elliston clearly identifies the Biblical values that are foundational in Christian leadership development.Charles Cookpresident, North American Christian Convention of Christian Churches/Churches of Christ [/ENDORSEMENT2] [ENDORSEMENT3]
A valuable book for trainers working in inner-city local church-based leadership training institutes. I found the chapter on "The Existing Leaders' Role in Leadership Development" to be most useful in our work of training leaders for inner-city Los Angeles. I heartily recommend it as a resource for inner-city training schools.Ranjit DeSilvadean, Crenshaw Christian Center Ministry Training Institute, Los Angeles, California [/ENDORSEMENT3] [TOC]
1. Overview
2. Understanding Leadership
3. Values for Christian Leaders
4. Patterns of Spiritual Leadership Emergence
5. The Spirit's Role in Leadership Development
6. The Existing Leader's Role in Leadership Development
7. The "Emergent" Leader's Role
8. Summary and Recommendations